Thursday, February 17, 2011

R.I.P. Uncle Leo

I'm saddened to hear the Len Lesser, who played Uncle Leo on Seinfeld passed away yesterday, he was 88 years old.  He was such a funny guy!  He will be missed!

Below are some of my favorite Uncle Leo moments on Seinfeld:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

MTV Glory Days

While searching YouTube for some retro goodness, I came across these videos which have the first hour of the live broadcast of MTV when it debuted on August 1st, 1981.  This was back in the day when MTV was all about the music! I was about 16 when this aired for the first time. I remember being so thrilled when my friend was telling me all about the channel before it aired and I though it was the coolest thing...EVER!   I'm so grateful that I was around to witness the former greatness that was the first music channel on TV.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Name is Norman Bates...I'm Just a Normal Guy

Back in the early days of MTV when all they showed was music videos, not crappy pseudo reality shows like Joisey Shore and The "Real" World, I came across this gem by Landscape called My Name Is Norman Bates.  Its been about 30 years since I've seen this, and through the magic of YouTube, I'm able to see it again!  Its one of those weird little songs that sticks in your head and never forget. Hard to believe I was a teenager when I first saw this!